How do you find the symbolic links to files.

Jon Brawn jonb at
Thu Dec 13 04:48:07 AEST 1990

brnstnd at (Dan Bernstein) writes:

>No! This is what Tom said, and it is entirely wrong. On a BSD system the
>right strategy is #2: do what's necessary to restore st_blocks. A
>program can reasonably depend on that information, so an archiver that
>doesn't restore st_blocks is buggy.

(This isn't a flame, I'm quite serious now!)
Can anyone think up a good use for looking at the st_blocks field?
 "These opinions where made up on the spur of the moment, to a formula kept
 secret from prying eyes for hundreds of years, and bear no relationship to
       my actual beliefs, let alone those of Specialix International"
Jon Brawn, jonb at "I didn't do it. I wan't there."

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