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Tue Nov 20 07:16:23 AEST 1990

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====== The start of Your original message ======

Please, an old announcement was issued to this list. Due to scheduling
problems we had to change the date of the event so please, consider the
following as true:

                     Workshop (Journey) EPUSP/IEEE
                 In High Performance Computing Systems

                     Sao Paulo, March 24-28, 1991

The "Escola Politecnica da Universidade de Sao Paulo" and the IEEE - Institute
of  the  Electrical  and  Electronic  Engineers  -  Section  South  Brasil are
organizing the first Journey EPUSP/IEEE in High Performance Computing Systems,
aiming  to integrate researchers, engineers, professionals and students in the
area  of   High Performance Computing. The event will cover, among others, the
following subjects:

* Arquitetures,
* Algorithms,
* Analise and Modelling,
* Interconnection Networks,
* Operating Systems,
* Languages and Compilers,
* Applications,
* Neural/Neuronal Networks,
* Parallel Processing,
* Distributed Processing.

The Journey will be constituted of Lectures presented by invited researchers,
papers  presenting,  tutorials  presenting,  advanced  courses and equipament


The  Organizing  Comission will accept works within the proposed themes. The
authors  must  send  4  copies  of the works (in Portuguese or English). The
works  should  not  have  more than 15 pages. After aproval, the authors may
have to send a revised copy of the text to be included in the proceedings.

The  text  must  be  presented in A4 paper, 2.4cm lateral margins, 3.5cm top
margin,  2.0cm botton margin. The text must be in 12 characters per inch and
we strongly suggest to avoid small details.

There  will  be  a  special  section  dedicated to works that present design
experiences of high performance computing systems in Brasil. Research groups
are  invited  to  send  works describing their experiences in the project of
hardware and software for high performance systems.


Works deliverance:              Dec 14, 1990.
Acceptation:                    Feb 04, 1991.
Revised works:                  Mar 25, 1991.

Hardware/Software manufacturers are invited to expose their products.

For Information:

Escola Politecnica da Universidade de Sao Paulo
Laboratorio de Sistemas Integraveis
Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, trav. 3, 158.
05508 - Sao Paulo - SP - BRASIL
Acc: Casimiro de Almeida Barreto


Escola Politecnica da Universidade de Sao Paulo
Coordenacao de Eventos
Av. Prof. Mello Moraes, 2373 - Eng. Minas
05508 - Sao Paulo - SP - Brasil
Acc: Marina Madeira

Tel: +55 11 211-4574.
     +55 11 815-9322 ext 270/314/315/420/430.

Fax: +55 11 815-4272.

E-Mail: casimiro at vme131.lsi.usp.ansp.br

----- End Included Message -----

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