VOTE: voting continues on comp.unix.wizards

John F. Haugh II jfh at
Fri Oct 19 22:37:36 AEST 1990

In article <Oct. at> lear at (Eliot Lear) writes:
>Just so that there is no misunderstanding, on the whole Mr. Haugh's
>vote does NOT follow the guidelines for newsgroup creation.

You and the rest of the people who claim I am violating the guidelines
have repeatedly been asked to mail me your favorite version of the
guidelines so that I can point out, item by item, how I have adhered
to the absolute letter of the guidelines.  As I have repeatedly pointed
out, the guidelines =require= very few specific actions, although they
=suggest= quite a few.  It is not a violation of any guideline not to
follow a suggestion, and your statements that I am violating any
unstated requirement are pure electioneering on your part.  So please
mail me (just Eliot, I don't need 100 copies) what =you= think the
guidelines are, and I'll point out how I have followed each and every
requirement completely.  Claiming that the guidelines are all
"suggestions" and not "lawis" is not a valid complaint.  You never have
to follow "suggestions", that's what the difference between a
"suggestion" and a "law" is.

However, since this red-herring continues to be used as a reason to
oppose a legitimate vote, I have sent the "formal" "CALL FOR VOTES"
to Eliot for posting.  At that point in time I suspect he will post
a note saying the vote now follows all of these unstated requirements.
John F. Haugh II                             UUCP: ...!!rpp386!jfh
Ma Bell: (512) 832-8832                           Domain: jfh at
"SCCS, the source motel!  Programs check in and never check out!"
		-- Ken Thompson

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