VOTE: voting continues on comp.unix.wizards

Gary Heston gary at sci34hub.UUCP
Tue Oct 23 01:48:42 AEST 1990

In article <1990Oct21.194930.5815 at murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU> gsh7w at astsun.astro.Virginia.EDU (Greg Hennessy) writes:
>In article <18611 at> jfh at (John F. Haugh II) writes:
># [ Haughs' commentary deleted ]

>Since the guidelines by their very nature do not have "requirements"
>only "guidelines", why don't you just newgroup comp.unix.wizards and
>be done with it? You would have followed the guidlines just as much,
>since they are not requirements anyway.

This was already tried; it didn't work (at this site, anyway).

>Oh, but then the sysadmins won't honor your newgroup? Pity. 

Not until I see a proper CFD, discussion, CFV, and vote, I won't.

I have, however, come up with an approach to reduce problems in the
event they try to slip something by again. As per my request, our
feed site has inserted "!comp.unix.wizards" into our sys file.


    Gary Heston     { uunet!sci34hub!gary  }    System Mismanager
   SCI Technology, Inc.  OEM Products Department  (i.e., computers)
"The esteemed gentlebeing says I called him a liar. It's true, and I
regret that." Retief, in "Retiefs' Ransom" by Keith Laumer.

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