dealing with close() errors (was Re: On the silliness of close() giving EDQUOT)

Jonathan I. Kamens jik at
Mon Oct 29 16:12:12 AEST 1990

In article <thurlow.657136228 at>, thurlow at (Robert Thurlow) writes:
|> Even here, a workaround might be to have the
|> process retry the close so the kernel will retry the NFS writes, after
|> telling the user he is over quota so that he can try to delete some
|> files on the server.  If your process exited, _close() could just go
|> ahead and burn the blocks out of the cache.

  If a user process tries to access a file/directory in an AFS volume that is
currently being operated upon (e.g. moved to another fileserver, backed up,
released to read-only from read-write, etc.) by the AFS servers, the process
hangs in the call that is doing the accessing, and the kernel does a uprintf()
telling the user something like, "afs: Waiting for busy volume 536870973 in
cell" (that message is taken verbatim from when this happened
to me this evening during the nightly backup of my home directory).  The
kernel then delays for a noticeable but relatively small amount of time
(probably on the order of ten real-time seconds, although I can't say what the
exact interval is) and tries to do the access again; if it fails again, the
same message is printed.  This loops until the access succeeds.

  It might be worthwhile to consider a similar approach to dealing with EDQUOT
errors, both on write() and on close().  Although I'm not convinced I'd want
the kernel to keep trying forever (heck, I'm not even sure it keeps trying
forever in the AFS case -- it may eventually decide that something is screwed
up on the server and return an error to the user process, which is almost
certainly the right thing to do), I think it would be reasonable for the
kernel to uprintf() a message about quotas and try to write a few more times,
after suitable delays.  This would give the user a chance to rectify the
problem before data lossage occurs.

  Another possibility is to add a new system call, something like try_close().
It takes a file descriptor, just like close(), but only actually completes the
close() if it is possible to do so without errors (although it should treat
EBADF and EINTR the same way close() does, since there is nothing the
programmer can do about them in any case).  So, if a programmer is concerned
about data integrity, he can do a try_close() before he does a close(), and if
try_close() returns EDQUOT or some such thing, the program can print a warning
and wait for advice from the user before continuing.

  We can generalize that and say that there should be a flush() system call
that takes a file descriptor and verifies that all output to it has been
performed and was successful.  I believe that the hypothetical effects of such
a system call can be simulated both on NFS and AFS files by doing lseek(fd,
(off_t) 0, L_INCR) (substitute SEEK_CUR for L_INCR on a POSIX system, and/or 1
for L_INCR on a SysV system).  A program which is paranoid about being sure
that data gets written to disk can therefore define a macro vwrite that does
something like so:

	static int _vwrite_tmp
	#define vwrite(fd,buf,nbytes) \
		((_vwrite_tmp = write(fd,buf,nbytes)) >= 0 \
			? flush(fd) >= 0 \
				? _vwrite_tmp \
				: -1 \
			: -1)

I'm not sure whether or not I need more parentheses in there to force the
grouping to the way I want, but you get the idea.

  (Credit where credit is due: The suggestion that started me thinking about
try_close() comes from John Carr here at Athena, but any problems with the
suggestions I've posted are of course completely my fault :-)

Jonathan Kamens			              USnail:
MIT Project Athena				11 Ashford Terrace
jik at Athena.MIT.EDU				Allston, MA  02134
Office: 617-253-8085			      Home: 617-782-0710

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