What's a psuedo-tty ? and What does the select on a pipe SLS do ?

Rob Freyder rob at lafayet.UUCP
Sat Sep 22 23:59:59 AEST 1990

Hi Folks,
	I have some simple questions. At least I think they might be. 8-)

First, What is a psuedo-tty ?  I cant find it in any of my books or manuals.

Second, Whais select() used for ?  I just found a program called tapserial
that I want to compile and its needs select() which is broken on Xenix 2.3 ...
So I installed the XNX141 SLS to fix it.  

Again, I looked and cant find any info on select().  I found it in the curses
library but couldnt locate any docs on it.

Anybody know anything about the tapserial program and its usage ?  The usage
message is rather vague. 

Thanks ...Rob.

Rob Freyder                                  Core Laboratories a division of
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