Help! modifying os to support >14 char filenames (sys V.3)

Miguel A. Ramirez machina at
Wed Sep 26 17:12:00 AEST 1990

In article <PCG.90Sep21142146 at> pcg at (Piercarlo Grandi) writes:
*On 19 Sep 90 06:18:17 GMT, machina at (Miguel A. Ramirez) said:
*	[ ... on how many user programs have an hard coded 14 for the
*	max length of file name in a System V environment, and thus
*	would not respond to a change in a #define ... ]
*Maybe I should have written 'an easy (relative to the other

Yes, this would have been better. 
*machina> No?  But I thought it was an easy hack?  --
*You seem so sure, you must have done so. So please, for our information,
*post a list of commands and libraries in the standard System V
*distribution that have an hard coded 14, the relative percentage of
*source files, and in how many places for each.

Ah Piercarlo, I'd love to! Especially since I have to gives this info to our 
test group.   But company policy prohibits me from giving 
away valuable information. Trust me, if you ever have the pleasure 
of working on a Amdahl running UTS 2.1 or greater you'll see what I mean.


Miguel A. Ramirez, | machina at | {sun,uunet}!amdahl!machina

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