About the comp.unix.internals fluster

Chuck Karish karish at mindcrf.UUCP
Thu Sep 13 08:44:41 AEST 1990

In article <15489 at drilex.UUCP> dricejb at drilex.UUCP
(Craig Jackson drilex1) writes:
>If anyone is really concerned about the legalities of these things,
>then there should be no 'comp.unix.xxx' groups.  They should all
>be 'comp.unix.operating.system.xxx'.

'comp.unix-operating-system.xxx', if you please.  We don't need
a three-level directory hierarchy to satisfy AT&T's lawyers.
Of course, the trademark owners have, in their infinite wisdom,
limited directory names in their versions of the UNIX operating system
to 14 letters, so 'comp.unix.xxx' is more appropriate.

	Chuck Karish		karish at mindcraft.com
	Mindcraft, Inc.		(415) 323-9000		

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