Millisecond timers

Jon "Outta my way - I'm going windsurfing" Hue hue at
Sun Sep 30 19:21:11 AEST 1990

shawn at jdyx.UUCP (Shawn Hayes) writes:
>	After looking at AIX V1.2 for a while I've noticed that almost
>all of the timed functions are based on second resolution such as the
>select call.  Only the getitimer and setitimer calls support millisecond

Last time I used AIX V3, select() and poll() rounded to the second, only
setitimer had finer resolution.  IBM says the PS/2 won't be getting V3,
so I guess this doesn't matter to you, but it might be a rude suprise
for RS/6000 users.


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