Getting to root when the password has been lost

Henry Liao hliao%opus at
Sat Sep 8 03:16:36 AEST 1990

Here is the easiest way to reset root's password on UNIX V/3.2.2.

	boot UNIX from floppy (base system 1 of 7)
	press <DEL> to interrupt INSTALL script
	mount /dev/dsk/0s1 on /mnt
	modify root entry in /mnt/etc/shadow with ed
	sync disk
	umount /mnt

-Henry Liao
 California State University, Los Angeles
 Networking Distributed & Systems Group
 BitNET:     ketaiak at calstate.bitnet, hliao at csula.bitnet
 InterNET:   hliao@{atss,csulavax,neptune,opus}
 ATTMAIL:    attmail!atss!hliao

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