shmat() & shmdt() questions.

BURNS,JIM gt0178a at prism.gatech.EDU
Fri Sep 21 18:34:40 AEST 1990

in article <583 at dptechno.UUCP>, dave at dptechno.UUCP (Dave Lee) says:

>>key_t=long). E.g. - if I want the key to be 'phs1', I use '0x70687331'.

> And just how is one supposed to know what is "not-in-use" ?, unless ofcourse,
> you just happen to be in controll of all the sources to all programs that 
> may ever run on your machine.

> If everyone would use ftok(path,id)  (see stdipc(3C)) as recomended in the FM,

In our case, we are developing a system for the gov't, so we DO control
the sources. Obviously, in a more open environment, ftok(3) would be
better. I just happen to prefer something that has *some* semantic content
when I read an ipcs(1) display, even if it is an ascii representation of a
string, than something chosen by a computer. (In this case, 'phs1' is
short for 'phase 1'.) It is also what the HP-UX Fortran compiler's
directives require you to do when you create a shm seg, so it is a design
decision the vendor prefers too.
Georgia Institute of Technology, Box 30178, Atlanta Georgia, 30332
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