c.u.wizards vs. c.u.internals
Stuart Lynne
sl at van-bc.wimsey.bc.ca
Fri Sep 7 18:53:57 AEST 1990
In article <BZS.90Sep6153550 at world.std.com> bzs at world.std.com (Barry Shein) writes:
}Why was it important at all to remove c.u.w? Why not just create some
}magnet groups so wizards can have some peace to speak about relatively
}wizardly matters? Was it to make sure that wizards had nowhere else to
Is it time for alt.unix.wizards?
Personally I thought it was a shame to rename wizards. Sort or like renaming
the main street in your town. You loose some of your heritage. Things don't
always have to be perfect (in this case a perfectly concise and rational
naming scheme for comp.unix). Sometimes its ok keep things around just so we
know where we've been.
Stuart.Lynne at wimsey.bc.ca ubc-cs!van-bc!sl 604-937-7532(voice)
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