Writing "from" another tty

Dave Jenks jetfuel at csusac.csus.edu
Sat Sep 22 15:51:03 AEST 1990

Thanks to those who obviously desired to assist me in figuring out how
to simulate input from another terminal on my 3b1.

A common suggestion was to use the TIOCSTI ("Simulate Terminal Input"
ioctl.  This does not exist on the 3b1 (at least not in 3.51).  I
fgrep'ed for TIOCSTI in all of /usr/include/* /usr/include/sys/*, and
there were none.

Yes, I looked in the `f'ing manual' (a suggestion by a respondant),
and it is, of course, not there.

I *do* appreciate the honest efforts, and still have very few clues as
to how to attack this problem.
	    "Pro is to con, as progress is to Congress..."
>>-@@-> Dave Jenks              {uunet | ucbvax!ucdavis}!csusac!jetfuel

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