rz55 parameters

John Haxby jch at hollie.rdg.dec.com
Fri Apr 26 02:27:44 AEST 1991

In article <3198 at bimacs.BITNET>, yedidya at bimacs.BITNET (Yedidya Israel) writes:
|> My disktab states that rz55 have the following parameters:
|> rz55|RZ55|DEC RZ55 Winchester:\
|>         :ty=winchester:ns#36:nt#15:nc#1224:\
|>         :pc#649040:bc#8192:fc#1024:\
|> ns*nt*nc gets a totals of 660960 sectors which is not equal to pc#
|> (649040), a difference of 11920 sectors.

That's right..  But there are 10300 spare blocks
according to the book, so

	(ns.nt.nc) - 10300 = 649040

provided nc=1221 (the 1224 quoted appears to be the
number of tracks before formatting).

I got this information partly by experiment, partly by
looking at the specs in the 5000/200 appendices, so
I cannot guarantee that I am right.
John Haxby, Definitively Wrong.
Digital				<jch at wessex.rdg.dec.com>
Reading, England		<...!ukc!wessex!jch>

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