POSIX bashing (readline bashing)

Roy Smith roy at phri.nyu.edu
Fri Apr 12 01:22:19 AEST 1991

decot at hpisod2.cup.hp.com (Dave Decot) writes:
> If you think that the fact that something is a suffix means it can be
> applied to anything, you're not a very good studant.

	But, if you *don't* think that the fact that something is a suffix
means it can be applied to anything, you're not a very good hacker.  Or
should that be hackant?  See the intro to the jargon file for an explanation
of verbification.  Or one of the appendicies of George Orwell's 1984,
dealing with NewSpeak.  Even William Safire, that staunch defender of the
English Language, has been known to verbify on occasion.
Roy Smith, Public Health Research Institute
455 First Avenue, New York, NY 10016
roy at alanine.phri.nyu.edu -OR- {att,cmcl2,rutgers,hombre}!phri!roy
"Arcane?  Did you say arcane?  It wouldn't be Unix if it wasn't arcane!"

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