I have a file named "-"

Pietro Caselli zaphod at petruz.sublink.ORG
Sun Feb 24 01:21:22 AEST 1991

In an article of <26 Feb 91 05:28:22 GMT> (Benjamin H. Cowan) writes:

 >  I have a file whose name consists of the single character "-".  I can't
 >rm it or mv it or cat it or more it or anything to it.  How can I get rid 

Just unlink It.

int i
       if((i=unlink("-"))== -1)
                printf("Sorry ... on Minix it works !\n");
                printf("Hey ma ... look it works !\n")
|         Pietro Caselli        | I had a word to say, But'tis not quite the
| ...!otello!gear!petruz!zaphod | time. The best of any man's word or say,is
|   zaphod at petruz.sublink.ORG   | when its proper place arrives - And for its
|     VOICE 039-051-549423      | meaning,I keep mine till the last. (Whitman)

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