Ideas for changes to Unix filesystem
Jim Rosenberg
jr at oglvee.UUCP
Thu Feb 21 06:34:58 AEST 1991
In <BZS.91Feb16112615 at> bzs at (Barry Shein) writes:
>I suppose one would be
>hard-pressed to come up with an example of why there would be a file
>which was owned by you but otherwise not accessible, but I don't like
>to consider that sort of argument, it only belies the limits of
If I remember it correctly, the BRL spooler, MDQS, *routinely* sets up files
for which the owner has no access by virtue of lack of a directory permission.
MDQS protects its spool directory by a "lock" directory. You have to have
"spooler permissions" to traverse this directory. But having done that, its
actual spool files have the uid and gid of the submitting user. [Aside: MDQS
is a *nice* spooler! It's amazing to me that it hasn't joined elm and smail
et al among the cast of characters of PD software packages that replace the
respective "standard" package that comes with the operating system. MDQS
surely beats the socks off the usual System V spooler.]
Jim Rosenberg #include <disclaimer.h> --cgh!amanue!oglvee!jr
Oglevee Computer Systems / /
151 Oglevee Lane, Connellsville, PA 15425 pitt! ditka!
INTERNET: cgh!amanue!oglvee!jr at / /
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