Quest: Sockets in SYSVR3

Michael Endrizzi endrizzi at
Tue Jun 18 23:05:39 AEST 1991

endrizzi at (Michael Endrizzi) writes:

>BSD4.2 embeds the socket structure within a
>file table entry. SYS V does not. Where is it
>located? Are sockets written as a library
>routines talking to a device driver where the
>socket information is kept?  When a process forks,
>how do the sockets get dup'd?

Several people mentioned that SYSVR3 does not
have sockets and I agree. I was thinking about
the socket packages that are provided by 3rd
party vendors. I am curious if they integrate 
sockets into the file system or write them as
a device driver.  If any of this is public domain
I am interested in acquiring the code.

However, SYSVR4 does have sockets based on streams
and I am curious how it maintains sockets for dup
and fork operations.


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