TIMEZONE and Daylight Savings Time

David Beckemeyer david at bdt.UUCP
Wed Apr 20 03:58:56 AEST 1988

I'm having trouble with Microport System V AT/286 and the TZ (TIMEZONE)
environment.   I'm in California USA and TZ=PST8PDT.

The problem is, the system doesn't seem to know that Daylight Savings
Time now goes into effect in Mar instead of the last Sunday in April.

Is there a way to correct this, short of editing all the .profile/.login
files that set TZ?   I'm assuming the system will think we changed after
the last Sunday this month, but I still would like to fix it so I don't
have to worry about it again next time.

The kernel runs GMT right? So I assume it's wrong in every program that
uses the libc ctime() stuff.  If so, does Microport have patches for it?
David Beckemeyer			| "Yuh gotta treat people jes' like yuh	
Beckemeyer Development Tools		| do mules. Don't try to drive 'em. Jes'
478 Santa Clara Ave, Oakland, CA 94610	| leave the gate open a mite an' let 'em
UUCP: ...!ihnp4!hoptoad!bdt!david 	| bust in!"

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