
Mike Green mike at cs.keele.ac.uk
Tue Dec 6 01:04:52 AEST 1988

I am trying to find a version of C++ that will work with my '286 box
running System V/AT.

Does anyone know of such a product? If so could they please e-mail me at on
of the addresses at the end of this posting, not by the return path.


|Michael A. Green.              |JANET:   mike at uk.ac.keele.cs               |
|Department of Computer Science |BITNET:  mike%cs.kl.ac.uk at ukacrl           |
|University of Keele, Keele,    |ARPANET: mike%cs.kl.ac.uk at nss.cs.ucl.ac.uk |
|Staffordshire. ST5 5BG.   U.K. |VOICE:   +44 782 621111  ex. 3357/3347     |

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