More than 4 virtual consoles (was: Re: UNIX for 286/386 machines)

Wolf N. Paul wnp at dcs.UUCP
Sun Feb 21 23:55:10 AEST 1988

In article <42219 at sun.uucp> bkm at (Bruce Martin Jr.) writes:
>Has anyone figured out how to increase the number of virtual consoles?
>I'd like to up the number (four can sometimes be limiting), but haven't
>found it in the manual.

The info can be found on page 7 of the 2.3 Release Notes.

Here is a summary:

1. /etc/mknod /dev/cons# c 0 #

	where # is the console number (from 4 to 14).

2. Generate appropriate entries in the /etc/inittab file, write the
   file, and do "telinit q".

3. Access the consoles with SysReq key, or f1 thru f10, and shift-f1 thru

CAUTION: I know this works with the standard 2.3 kernel. I do not know if
it works with the 2.3 DOSMERGE kernel, which unfortunately is a slightly
earlier version of the kernel.
Wolf N. Paul                  Phone: (214) 306-9101 (h)   (214) 404-8077 (w)
3387 Sam Rayburn Run          UUCP: ihnp4!killer!{dcs, doulos}!wnp
Carrollton, TX 75007          INTERNET: wnp at dcs.UUCP       ESL:  62832882
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