Bug in Small Model libcurses.a?

Wolf N. Paul wnp at dcs.UUCP
Sat Jul 2 13:05:02 AEST 1988

I successfully compiled Andreas Pleschutznig's BPE binary
editor (recently posted to comp.sources.misc) on my Microport
System V/AT 2.3 box.

However, when using the "string search" function, the
curses function getstr() will not accept a capital P as input
but terminates as soon as P is entered, returning the string
up to but not including the P.

This problem exists in small model only -- large model works properly.

Has anyone else encountered this? Is there a fix?

The "sum" of my /usr/lib/small/libcurses.a is 36895. If there
is someone out there who does not have this problem, could you
check the "sum" of your small/libcurses.a and tell me if your
result differs from mine -- maybe my file got zapped.

Otherwise - Microport Techs, are you out there? Please check
this out and fix it!

Wolf Paul
Wolf N. Paul * 3387 Sam Rayburn Run * Carrollton TX 75007 * (214) 306-9101
UUCP:     killer!dcs!wnp                 ESL: 62832882
DOMAIN:   wnp at dcs.UUCP                   TLX: 910-380-0585 EES PLANO UD

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