YAMB: problems with yacc?

Wietse Venema wswietse at eutrc3.UUCP
Wed Mar 23 08:23:20 AEST 1988

In article <437 at splut.UUCP>, jay at splut.UUCP (Jay Maynard) writes:
> I tried entering the program hoc1, from the book _The Unix Programming
> Environment_, and compiling it last night. It doesn't run: when fed an
> expression like 2+2, instead of printing 4, it prints 2. It appears to
> reproduce productions of the form:
> expr: expr '+' expr { $$ = $1 + $3 }...
> ...
> Am I bashing my head against YAMB (yet another Microport bug)?
> ...
> Jay Maynard, EMT-P, K5ZC...>splut!< | GEnie: JAYMAYNARD  CI$: 71036,1603
> ...

Well, actually it's a bug in the C compiler. Take a look of the 
assembly language generated by the compiler. Seems the compiler
generates incorrect 80287 opcodes. BTW we reported this problem
a long time ago (6 months) in the days of version 2.2. What 
happened to that bug list?

The problems should go away if you typedef the YACC stack as int.

uucp:	mcvax!eutrc3!wswietse	| Eindhoven University of Technology
bitnet:	wswietse at heithe5	| Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science
surf:	tuerc5::wswietse	| Eindhoven, The Netherlands.

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