Compile errors on V/386 3.0E

John Gayman john at wa3wbu.UUCP
Wed Nov 30 13:35:25 AEST 1988

    I am in the process of compiling NetNews 2.11 patch 8 on a 386 machine
running Microport 3.0E. I am getting some warnings that I didn't get when
I compiled the same source on Sys V/AT. I had a suggestion to use the 
Green Hills compiler instead which pretty much works but I was curious
if there is someway to patch-out the warnings ?  This is an excerp from
my make log:

	cc  -O  -DUSG -Dindex=strchr -Drindex=strrchr -DRNEWS=\"/usr/bin/rnews\" -DSPOOLDIR=\"/usr/spool/news\"  -DBATCHDIR=\"/usr/spool/batch\" -DLIBDIR=\"/usr/lib/news\"  -DBINDIR=\"/usr/bin\" -DNEWSUSR=\"news\"  -DNEWSGRP=\"news\" -DSCCSID -Dvfork=fork -c control.c
"control.c", line 898: warning: illegal pointer combination, op =
"control.c", line 899: warning: illegal pointer combination, op =
"control.c", line 900: warning: illegal pointer combination, op =
	cc  -O  -DUSG -Dindex=strchr -Drindex=strrchr -DRNEWS=\"/usr/bin/rnews\" -DSPOOLDIR=\"/usr/spool/news\"  -DBATCHDIR=\"/usr/spool/batch\" -DLIBDIR=\"/usr/lib/news\"  -DBINDIR=\"/usr/bin\" -DNEWSUSR=\"news\"  -DNEWSGRP=\"news\" -DSCCSID -Dvfork=fork -c funcs.c
"funcs.c", line 160: warning: illegal pointer combination, op =
"funcs.c", line 161: warning: illegal pointer combination, op =

   There are a few more compile lines which have the same complaints. If
anyone can shed some light on this I would appreciate it. ALso, I will be
porting most all the applications Im currently using, (Elm, News, Smail,
etc.) to V/386 and would appreciate any pointers on things to look out
for when dealing with V/386 in place of Sys V/AT. Thanks.


John Gayman, WA3WBU              |           UUCP: uunet!wa3wbu!john
1869 Valley Rd.                  |           ARPA: john at 
Marysville, PA 17053             |           Packet: WA3WBU @ AK3P 

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