comp.unix.{microport,xenix} vote result

John Owens john at jetson.UPMA.MD.US
Tue Nov 8 10:30:36 AEST 1988

Well, November 4th has come and gone, and the proposal for
reorganizing comp.unix.microport into comp.unix.i286 and
comp.unix.i386 has failed for lack of interest.  The final vote:

	YES: 62
	NO:  13

Perhaps in 6 months to a year, when "SCO UNIX System V/386" is
dominating comp.unix.xenix, we can try all this again.

If anyone is interested in the complete list of votes, send me mail.
I don't think it's worth posting.

Thanks for your 75 votes.  If you didn't vote, don't complain.

Followups are redirected to "poster" - the closest I could get to
/dev/null in a valid header.  (When did "poster" first appear as a
Followup-To: option, anyway?)

John Owens		john at jetson.UPMA.MD.US		uunet!jetson!john
+1 301 249 6000		john%jetson.uucp at

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