does gcc work with -lc_s?

Vernon Schryver vjs at calcite.UUCP
Wed Nov 2 17:16:12 AEST 1988

My first attempt to use 3.0e's gcc (Greenhill's, not gnu) is with a
simple terminal emulator using curses.  Compiling with 
	gcc {,-g,-ga} {-OLM,} foo.c -lcurses -lc_s -o foo
produces a bad program.  After some trivial ioctl(TCSETA)'s, it calls
initscr(3X), which seems to call an internal routine (or something
sdb can't name), and then suffers a "Segmentation Violation".  Compiling
without '-lc_s' or with 'cc' instead of 'gcc' produces something which
works fine.  (Of course, the code is quite portable and passes lint.)

Does the gcc in Microport 3.0e understand shared libraries?

Vernon Schryver
vjs at calcite.uucp   ...!sgi!calcite!vjs

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