f77 for sysV/386

Marcio de Carvalho carvalho at ernie.Berkeley.EDU
Wed Oct 5 15:59:35 AEST 1988

	I need a FORTRAN compiler to run in my uport systemV/386.
I would like to know if anyone out there have any experience
with one. I would like to be able to link the object module 
generated from fortran code with modules from C codes.
	I've called Borland about their greenhills and was 
informed that they work fine together, but the information
received from microport was not the same...
	Do anyone have experience with any FORTRAN compiler that
generates 386 code?
	Thank you very much.


=                          Marcio de Carvalho                              =
=                                                         IEOR Department  =
= ...!ucbvax!ernie!carvalho          University of California at Berkeley  =

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