flames are on!
Mike Howard
how at milhow1.UUCP
Tue Oct 4 09:12:41 AEST 1988
After watching the `excitement' over TeX on Sandy's BBS and the
flame/counter-flame non-sense, I think that it is appropriate to post
a pointer to Pierre MacKay and the Northwest Computer Support Group for
those who really want to get the latest version and to try to put it up.
BTW - I have been plugging at it a little part time and have run into
a real problem getting tangle to run on weave and tex. If anyone out
there has some clues - please send 'em my way.
------------cut here for e-mail from MacKay's valiant crew-----------
Date: Sat, 2 Jul 88 12:03:41 PDT
From: uunet!june.cs.washington.edu!mackay (Pierre MacKay)
Message-Id: <8807021903.AA28254 at june.cs.washington.edu>
To: milhow1!how
In-Reply-To: decvax!uunet.UU.NET!milhow1!how at beaver's message of Tue Jun 28 13:39:10 1988 <8806290553.AA28568 at uunet.UU.NET>
To order a full distribution of TeX, send $140.00 for a 1/2 inch
9-track tape, $165.00 for two 4-track 1/4 inch cartridge tapes
(foreign sites $150.00, for 1/2 inch, $175.00 for 1/4 inch,
to cover the extra postage) payable to the University of Washington to:
The Director
Northwest Computer Support Group, DW-10
University of Washington
Seattle, Washington 98195
Purchase orders are now acceptable, but there will be an extra charge of
$10.00, owing to the processing charges we incur. (Total of $150 for
domestic sites, $175 for foreign sites).
The normal distribution is a tar tape, blocked 20, 1600 bpi, on an
industry standard 2400 foot half-inch reel. If you need 1/4 inch
streamer cartridges for the SUN, be sure to tell us. The 1/4 inch
physical format is QIC-11, 8000 bpi, 4-track serpentine recording. We
can send QIC-24 cartridges, but there will be a delay, since we have
to make the master off campus and send it away for copying. QIC-24
orders will be saved up and sent off periodically to keep external
copying costs down. We cannot write nine-track on cartridges, nor can
we write TK50 cartridges for the DEC Microvax. SystemV tapes can be
written in cpio format, blocked 5120 bytes, ASCII headers, but we
prefer not to, since cpio format is extremely slow and wastes a great
deal of tape on inter-record gaps. Again, please specify this if you
want it, and check to see that you really can read QIC-11 tapes. Some
3Bx s will only read QIC-24, which seems insane.
The original organization of the distribution reflected the use of
pascal for all compilations of TeX, TeXware, BibTeX, METAFONT and
MFware. This has now been supplemented by a more convenient and
more generally portable WEB-to-C compilation for TeX, TeXware, and
METAFONT. (We hope to add the change files for C compilation of
MFware and BibTeX in the near future.) LaTeX and AMSTeX are macro
packages processed by TeX, and do not require any further compilation.
[lots of good information about the distribution - deleted. For
full text of this message - e-mail to Pierre MacKay]
Since TeX is free public-domain software, just about
everything that can be sent out in source form is included on the
tape. There are no licensing restrictions, and only minor copyright
restrictions as noted in the affected files.
Pierre A. MacKay
TUG Site Coordinator for
Unix-flavored TeX
------------------------end of e-mail-------------------------------------
Mike Howard
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