Clock loses "minutes" on V/AT 2.3

Rolfe Tessem rolfe at w3vh.UUCP
Sat Sep 24 12:11:27 AEST 1988

In article <9700 at ico.ISC.COM> rcd at ico.ISC.COM (Dick Dunn) writes:
>In article <1464 at ssc.UUCP>, fyl at ssc.UUCP (Phil Hughes) writes:
>> The clock has always run slow on V/AT 2.3 running on our 5-star system...
>> ...Here is what [I] found...
>> The clock looses minutes.  In other words, if I boot and set the clock,
>> some time later it will be 1 minute slow or 2 minutes slow or whatever...
>This is a long-standing problem.  It is present in my 2.2.0 system; I had
>it as of June or so of '87.  

This was present in my 2.2 as well, but was fixed in 2.3 (at least on
my 10 Mhz generic AT clone).  The CMOS is still a little more accurate
though, so I run a crontab to sync the UNIX clock with the CMOS time
once every 24 hours, in the middle of the night.

By the way, since Microport takes a lot of bashing in this group, I'd
like to mention that my System V/AT (version 2.3) has been up and running
for over two months continuously without a hiccup, as I'm writing this.
This system takes a partial newsfeed, polling UUNET a couple times a
day, and I access it extensively from remote locations since I'm
often away for weeks at a time.  The double panics went away completely
about 6 months ago when I replaced the serial card due to a lightning-
induced power surge taking it out, so I'm inclined to believe the panics
I was having previously were due to marginal serial hardware.  I'd
suggest that anyone still having serial-port-related double-panics do
some swapping of serial hardware...

UUCP:         uunet!w3vh!rolfe 			| Rolfe Tessem
INTERNET:     rolfe at			| P.O. Box 793
AMPRNET:      rolfe at   []	| Great Barrington, MA 01230
PACKET RADIO: w3vh at wa2pvv 			| (413) 528-5966

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