TeX has arrived

Sanford 'Sandy' Zelkovitz sandy at turnkey.TCC.COM
Mon Sep 26 22:00:04 AEST 1988

In article <829 at amethyst.ma.arizona.edu>, steve at eros.ame.arizona.edu (Steve Cannon) writes:
> >The FULL distribution of TeX along with all the contribution files is now
> >available for downloading.
> Does the machine these sources are on have a uucp address? Also, what exactly

The direct way of calling my system is going through the bbs. At the login
prompt, type bbs and you will be running under the bbs software. If you
prefer uucp access, login as nuucp with no password. I strongly suggest
the you log in first through the bbs software so that you can get the full
path names of the files for a uucp request. When you are in the bbs, you have
the following file protocol options: xmodem-crc, xmodem-checksum, ymodem,
ymodem-batch, zmodem, SEAlink, kermit (with the slidding windows option), and
plaine old ASCII.
The telephone number of the system is 714-898-8634

UUCP: !att!hermix!alphacm!sandy
      !ucbvax!ucivax!icnvax!alphacm!sandy    <----- not too reliable

I hope that this helps,
Sanford <sandy> Zelkovitz

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