Buggy UUCP (was: Re: Bell Tech 386 SysVr3)

Dave Hammond daveh at marob.MASA.COM
Fri Sep 2 05:22:30 AEST 1988

In article <385 at pigs.UUCP> haugj at pigs.UUCP (Joe Bob Willie) writes:
>i am currently having trouble on three systems i administer with LCK..
>files for the terminals getting nuked.  one of the systems runs the
>"telebit" uucp.  the others don't (because they don't run xenix).

Funny you should mention nuked LCK.. files. I just began noticing the
same thing on a system which just got updated with the TeleBit uucp.
In this case the problem occurs when non-uucp communications programs
(such as Kermit, ProComm or `CU') placed the LCK.. files there. The
new uucico (having been started from some daemon) seems to disbelieve
these `foreign' LCK.. files and unlinks them.

I've also noticed a nasty little `feature' of both the TeleBit and
older uucico programs. If the aforementioned foreign comm program
has set a lock on tty1a, and uucico is started up on tty1A -- you
will see a quick `+++' and then an `ATH0', and you find yourself
staring at `NO CARRIER'. Hmmm.

Dave Hammond
  UUCP: {uunet|...}!marob.masa.com!!daveh
DOMAIN: daveh at marob.masa.com

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