Can't backup to floppy

Karl Denninger karl at ddsw1.UUCP
Sun Sep 18 01:17:41 AEST 1988

In article <547 at micropen> dave at micropen (David F. Carlson) writes:
>In article <913 at cygnet.CYGNETSYSTEMS>, will at cygnet.CYGNETSYSTEMS (Will Nelson) writes:
>> The shit hit the fan today.
>> MICOM-Interlan NP626,
>> Locus Merge
>> That's right, you got it: I can't back the &ENCD%$@K!! system
>> up to floppy with a network/Locus Merge kernel from the console.

>You have absolutely no right to pollute this forum with *your* 
>"fucking bullshit."  You bought a multi-vendor system without 
>any support from any of your vendors or a qualified support organization
>like a system integrator.  You obviously don't possess the capability
>of debugging the problem in a rational manner.  

I see.

Well, I can say this:

	If I had just purchased software which was advertised to *work*, and
	found that one of the fundamental operations (ie: writing to floppy)
	didn't work due to someone mangling one (or more) of the drivers, 
	I'd be more than a little pissed off!

The "solution" which was found is a non-solution.  What we're talking about
here is a simple failure of QC.  Having the customer boot a different kernel
to write floppy disks isn't "debugging" or lack of knowing debugging
procedures, it's an admission that the operating system is _BROKEN_, and
broken in a serious manner.

One question for the gentelman who has had the problems:

	Is this the _new_ version of DOSMERGE that Mr. Plocher said wouldn't
	ship until _all_ the bugs were out, and it _worked_?

If not, then you've been warned in this forum many times prior to now.  If 
so then Mr. Plocher's QC attempt on the new MERGE kernel was a dismal failure.

Karl Denninger (ddsw1!karl) Data: (312) 566-8912, Voice: (312) 566-8910
Macro Computer Solutions, Inc.    "Quality solutions at a fair price"

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