UUCP on Microport

Eddy Schmidt eddy at nadia.UUCP
Fri Apr 21 10:36:43 AEST 1989

We are having trouble with Microport SysV AT 2.4 as well as Microport
SysV 386 3.0e. All the time, our machines poll at a site, the uucp stops
after a couple of blocks, sometimes after 500 Bytes, and sometimes after
5 Mb. Then the uucico on one machine terminates, and the other is still
runnung until the next reboot. We have an 80286 with 4 Mb of Ram, and too
an 80386 with 4 Mb of Ram. We use the normal serial Ports of Dos, Com1 and
Com2. Shall we used intelligent serial cards, or is there another reason ?
Thnx for helping to fix that problem,
Eddy Schmidt            | usenet: ..uunet!unido!pfm!nadia!eddy   bix:eddi
Klingenstr.29           | Mailbox: *49 711 484464          1200/2400 Baud
D-7000 Stuttgart 1      |          *49 711 461592          1200/2400 Baud
Tel.: *49 711 485840    | Beware of programmers who carry screwdrivers !!

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