Microport Buyout ( was: Micropo

tim at scsmo1.UUCP tim at scsmo1.UUCP
Wed Apr 12 13:26:00 AEST 1989

Any time you try to sell software you must have something that will
attract buyers,  In todays market it is the NAME,  people buy junk
from IBM and Microsoft all the time and why, simpley because of their

To make this work, I can seen a need for at least one package in addition
to unix, an "added feature" package.  It would need something that unix
does not have and would have to work with other vedors unix.  What would
I put in a package?  I don't know, the nice things, TeX, gnuemacs,
games, graphics packages can not be resold. (not too profitable:-)
but thay would get buyers interested in you version of unix.
Currently I don't think you can sell gnu for more than a modest "media"
charge and most games are PD.  TeX right can be bought from someone.
All these things could pe put on your unix but selling them as an add on
to other flavors of unix would not be profitable.  I think the add on
market would allow the company to survive.

tim hogard
tim at scsmo1.uucp

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