Floppy formatting and using

Mark E. Mallett mem at zinn.MV.COM
Mon Jan 16 08:28:28 AEST 1989

I'm having the dangdest time using floppies on my Microport Sys V/AT
system (v 2.4).  When I first installed the thing, v 2.2, I did floppy
backups frequently without incident.  Now, I'll format a floppy
(/etc/format /dev/rdsk/fd096), and 9 times out of 10, I'll get write
errors trying to use it.  Subsequent attempts to write to the disk
(without reformatting) fail in the same place.  If I am persistent, I
can repeat a cycle of formatting and attempting to use the disk, and
eventually it will work.  (I have no such problems when I boot MS/DOS
and format/access disks.)  Needless to say, this makes multi-disk
backups very difficult.

Before I try scrounging another drive, can someone tell me if I am
running into a known Microport problem?

Mark E. Mallett  Zinn Computer Co/ PO Box 4188/ Manchester NH/ 03103 
Bus. Phone: 603 645 5069    Home: 603 424 8129     BIX: mmallett
uucp: mem at zinn.MV.COM  (  ...{decvax|elrond|harvard}!zinn!mem   )
Northern MA and Southern NH consultants:  Ask me about MV.COM

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