Text Preparation System

Chuck L. Peterson clp at altos86.Altos.COM
Thu Jun 15 09:16:30 AEST 1989

I have the 386 Text Preparation System (DWB 2.0), and I want to generate
output on my Postscript printer.  The system comes with
the di10 and daps filters for the Imagen and Autologic respectively.
There used to be a DEVPS product which was sold separately
due to licensing problems, but I don't want to buy that.
What "device-independent-troff -> postscript" filters other than
the DEVPS one are around?  And where can a DEVPS filter be bought from?

p.s. This is a pretty stupid question considering that I am the
person who developed this product for microport in the first place;
but I don't remember ever actually finding a public-domain PS filter.

Chuck L. Peterson
clp at altos.com

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