X11R3 for sysV/386r3.0

Brian Beattie beattie at visenix.UUCP
Mon Mar 20 08:06:01 AEST 1989

I would like to get a copy of X for my sysV/386.  I have the sources
for X11r3 but have not yet had a chance to start working on it as
yet.  What I would like to know is has any one gotten it up and
running.  I could use a copy and/or any hints to set me of in the
right direction.

Much Thanx
    _ANYONE_     | Brian Beattie          (703)471-7552
can sell software| 11525 Hickory Cluster, Reston, VA. 22090 
that has already | beattie at visenix.UU.NET
been written     | ...uunet!visenix!beattie

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