386 Unix/Xenix via Inboard 386?

Robert Halloran rkh at mtune.ATT.COM
Wed Mar 8 01:25:21 AEST 1989

Is it possible to upgrade a 286-based system using the Intel
Inboard/386 to successfully run 386 Unix or Xenix?  A friend
is looking to possibly upgrade and is wondering if this is a
viable alternative to replacing the motherboard. 

Please reply by e-mail.  Thanks.

						Bob Halloran
UUCP: att!mtune!rkh				Internet: rkh at mtune.ATT.COM
USPS: 17 Lakeland Dr, Port Monmouth NJ 07758	DDD: 201-495-6621 eve ET
Disclaimer: If you think AT&T would have ME as a spokesman, you're crazed.
Quote: "Well, if it wasn't Buckaroo Banzai, I'd say 'commit the man.'"
		 - where else?

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