Backups of Distibution Floppies

Karl Denninger karl at ddsw1.MCS.COM
Wed May 24 01:15:08 AEST 1989

In article <752 at mccc.UUCP> pjh at mccc.UUCP (Pete Holsberg) writes:
>I have Microport V/386 and a friend has SCO Xenix/386, and we were both
>wondering how to make backups of the distribution floppy disks?  Can you use
>DISKCOPY or are they *NIX-formatted disks?  If the latter, are they mountable,
>or are the files tar/cpio archives?  Or ???

This comes up often enough to warrant a post....

Format the destination diskette.

Assuming a 1.2MB floppy:
	dd if=/dev/rfd096ds15 of=/tmp/disk bs=15k  	(Xenix)
	dd if=/dev/rdsk/fd096ds15 of=/tmp/disk bs=15k	(Microport)

This copies the disk to a temporary file.

Then, to make a dup, insert a blank formatted disk, and type:
	dd of=/dev/rfd096ds15 if=/tmp/disk bs=15k  	(Xenix)
	dd of=/dev/rdsk/fd096ds15 if=/tmp/disk bs=15k	(Microport)

Don't forget to remove the 1.2MB file from /tmp when you're done!

This works for both bootable and non-bootable Unix diskettes.

Karl Denninger (karl at ddsw1.MCS.COM, <well-connected>!ddsw1!karl)
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