light pens / bar-code readers wanted

Paul Palacios paul at
Thu May 4 04:41:33 AEST 1989

First, I must apologies if this subject has already gone through
discussions.  If this topic has in fact already been covered and
burned out, please reply then by mail instead.  Thank you.

I am looking for any suggestions on manufacturers, models, or whatever
information I can get on available bar-code readers for the ibm-pc
(xt/at/386 whatever :-) ).  A light-pen kind of device would be ideal,
however, I would appreciate any other suggestions that you might think
reasonable.  I should also add, it's use would be closest compared to
a point-of-sale kind of use (although, not exactly).

Also, even if your not *closely* familiar with bar-code readers, if
you know of any bar-code reader manufacturers or distributors, I would
appreciate that information too.

Thank you in advance.
Paul Palacios     UUCP: {cbosgd, hplabs!hp-sdd, sdcsvax, nosc}!crash!boop!paul
P.O. Box 842      ARPA: crash!boop!paul at       INET: paul at
Bonita, CA 92002   ORG: The C-Group                  ORGTEL: +1 (619) 297-8811

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