JetRoff on Microport System V/AT still not working for me

Bob Willcox bob at obiwan.UUCP
Sat Nov 25 06:36:26 AEST 1989

I have been attempting to get jetroff (version 1.1, patch level 4)
working on my Microport System V/AT (ver 2.4) system for awhile now and
have run into a couple of problems that seem to point to either my troff
command and/or my man macros.

First, if I execute troff with more than a single -m macro name

    troff -man -mjetroff -Tjet filename

it will eventually hang, waiting to read from stdin if the input was
specified as a filename.  Note that this fails the same way regardless
of what two macro specifcations I attempt.  If reading from stdin (via
pipe or redirection):

    troff -man -mjetroff -Tjet <filename

it does not hang, but only writes the following on output:

    x T jet
    x res 300 1 1
    x init
    x font 1 R
    x font 2 I
    x font 3 B
    x font 4 CW
    x font 5 S
    x font 6 ST
    x font 7 SI
    x trailer
    x stop

Finally, if I specify the macro file as well as the input file on the
command line as two filenames:

    troff -man -Tjet /usr/lib/tmac/tmac.jetroff filename

it does better, but the -man macros do not produce the expected results.
The headers and footers as well as the ".SH NAME" and the line following
it missing from the output, and all other ".SH" macro specifications
seem to suck up the line immediately following them onto their line.
Note that a similar test with the -ms macro package apears to work

The file attributes of my version of troff and man macros are as

-rwxr-xr-x   1 bin      bin        52490 May 30  1985 /usr/bin/troff
-rw-r--r--   1 bin      bin         7352 Jun  5  1985 /usr/lib/macros/an
-rw-r--r--   1 bin      bin           73 Jun  5  1985 /usr/lib/tmac/

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Bob Willcox                 ...!{rutgers|ames}!!romp!obiwan!bob
Phone: 512 258-4224

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