Running Microport Sys V with 2megs?

Rob Hutten 880139h at aucs.uucp
Sun Aug 5 09:58:15 AEST 1990

I recently purchased a IPC 386/25 with a 110meg Microscience HD with an
integrated AT controller and 2megs RAM (SIPs, if that makes any difference..)
ANYWAY, I'm trying to get Microport SYS V up & running on it but I get
a kernal panic error when I try to install it.  The docs say only 1.5 megs
is required, but that 2.5 is recommended.  Has anyone out
there got Microport up with 2 megs?  How'dya do it, huh?

The local demi-guru at work claims the extra RAM should do the trick, but
I'm just a poor yooniversitee stoodent and I don't wanna drop big bucks 
to upgrade my RAM unless I have to.


Send responses to CDA0048 at with 'to Rob' in the subject,
'cause I don't get access to this account very much. 

-Rob Hutten

_R_o_b _H_u_t_t_e_n : 880139h at aucs.uucp      542-1686/678-7088  Wolfville, NS, Canada


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