How to recover programs from install disks

Rock Kent rock at rancho.uucp
Fri Jun 1 13:11:45 AEST 1990

>>>>> On 31 May 90 15:33:01 GMT, david at monymsys.uucp (David Kozinn) said:
David> While playing around with the accounting facilities on my Sys
David> V/386 system, I managed to clobber /usr/lib/acct/acctcon2, one
                         [stuff left out]
David> manual that explains how to do this, and a cpio on the disks
David> just seems to show a file called "diskdata" that apparently
David> contains the name of the disk.

It sounds like you used the commad: cpio -i[vldm] < /dev/rdsk/f0q15dt

You need to use the command:        cpio -i[vldm] < /dev/rdsk/f0q15d

The f0q15dt device refers to the entire floppy including the boot
track.  The f0q15d device does not include that track.  Microport used
this trick to put an index(??) on each disk in the boot track,
"diskdata", in addition to the "real" cpio file.

*Rock Kent    rock at rancho.uucp        POB 8964, Rancho Sante Fe, CA. 92067*

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