Renaming/Combining of Microport and Xenix groups?

Chip Salzenberg chip at tct.uucp
Sat May 26 05:20:19 AEST 1990

[[ Followups to news.groups. ]]

According to tvf at cci632.UUCP (Tom Frauenhofer):
>I would be willing to run a request for discussion/call for votes on
>renaming comp.unix.microport to comp.unix.i286, possibly merging
>comp.unix.xenix into their (I understand that the latter may not be
>feasible, since xenix is a 386 product as well).

A discussion on reorganizing the comp.unix hierarchy has been
progressing in news.groups for quite some time.  Everyone is welcome
to join the discussion there.

When the comp.unix.sco vote is over, I will issue a Call For
Discussion on the comp.unix reorganization proposal outlined below,
with whatever changes may arise due to discussion before then.  I do
not want my proposal confused with comp.unix.sco, which is why I'm
waiting until c.u.s blows over.
So far, we have the following proposals.  Please make comment by
followup article or E-Mail, as you think appropriate.

Please note that when voting time comes, each voter will have to give
a "yes" or "no" answer on each group to be created or renamed.  The
guidelines do not permit one overall vote for multiple groups.

  comp.unix.admin           Unix system administration.
  comp.unix.dos-under-unix  MS-DOS under Unix: VP/ix, Merge/386, etc.
  comp.unix.large-scale     Unix in the large: mainframes, large networks.
  comp.unix.misc            Miscellaneous Unix discussion.
  comp.unix.xenix386        Xenix on the '386.

 comp.unix.questions -->
  comp.unix.newusers        Questions from, answers for new users of Unix.
 comp.unix.microport -->
  comp.unix.sysv286         Unix System V on the '286.
 comp.unix.i386 -->
  comp.unix.sysv386         Unix System V on the '386.

Leave unchanged:
  comp.unix                 Miscellaneous Unix discussion. (Moderated)
  comp.unix.wizards         Esoteric discussions of obscure Unix issues.
  comp.unix.xenix           Xenix from SCO and others, but not Xenix/386.
Chip, the new t.b answer man    <chip%tct at>, <uunet!ateng!tct!chip>

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