Aquiring sources for unix programs

Donald S. Hearth hearth at Unify.Com
Fri Nov 23 15:45:00 AEST 1990

     I am new at obtaining sources of unix programs. From what I have seen
  on the net, there are places where sources are held for people who want 
  them. People also talk about "ftp sites" & "anonymous". Can anybody
  explain these terms to me, and how I would go about getting sources from
  these sites. Please explain fully, as I might not understand all the 
  terms that you use. Also, I am specifically looking for the sources for
  the HP 9000 window system, so if anybody has X-based programs that they
  have successfully ported to this system, please e-mail me with a list of
  what you have. I will be glad to swap sources with anybody who is

					Don Hearth
*  Donald S. Hearth        *   address: hearth at                  *
*  UNIFY Corporation       *                                              *
*  Sacramento, CA          *   Go 49ers, A's, and LA Kings!               *

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