how are password encryped?
Per G|tterup
ballerup at
Wed Nov 7 21:50:55 AEST 1990
kdq at demott.COM (Kevin D. Quitt) writes:
=> In article <3852 at idunno.Princeton.EDU> pfalstad at roof.Princeton.EDU (Paul John Falstad) writes:
=> >
=> >Speaking of salts, try this on your system:
=> >
=> >ypcat passwd (or cat /etc/passwd) | cut -d: -f2 | cut -c1,2 | sort |
=> >uniq -c | sort -n | tail
=> >
=> OK:
=> 1 TJ
=> 1 b4
=> 1 bx
=> 1 me
=> 1 pt
=> 1 qD
=> 1 qe
=> 1 yz
=> 3 cy
=> 19 NO
=> --
=> _
=> Kevin D. Quitt demott!kdq kdq at
=> DeMott Electronics Co. 14707 Keswick St. Van Nuys, CA 91405-1266
=> VOICE (818) 988-4975 FAX (818) 997-1190 MODEM (818) 997-4496 PEP last
=> 96.37% of all statistics are made up.
On our system it looks like this:
3 Vo
3 WH
3 Yo
3 Zo
3 sX
3 vL
3 zF
10 CL
19 NO
22 *
| Per Gotterup | "The most merciful thing in the |
| Student, DIKU (Inst. of Comp. Sci.) | world, I think, is the inability |
| University of Copenhagen, Denmark | of the human mind to correlate all |
| Internet: ballerup at | its contents." - H.P. Lovecraft - |
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