Zmodem with 7 bit transmission

Dani Climan climan+ at
Tue Oct 16 16:47:42 AEST 1990

Does anyone have a Unix version of zmodem that supports 7 bit transmission?
The local network which I use to access the university's computers uses
a 7 bit even parity protocol.  The only file transfer protocol that I
have found that works is kermit.  My PC documentation for zmodem (DSZ.EXE)
specifically refers to two flags (-E, -P) that use 7 bit transmission.
However, the unix docs do not discuss this feature and all attempts to
get it to work have failed.  I have checked rzsz0525.zoo and rzszv307.zoo.
Is there a more recent version or a different one that supports the PC
7 bit feature?  Does anyone have any experience getting this to work?
Is there an alternative protocol that supports 7 bit transmission on both
a PC and a Unix system that I can substitute?

Thanks in Advance,

Dani Climan
climan at or climan55 at

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