A real hack way to "lock my tty"

Kartik Saligrama Subbarao subbarao at phoenix.Princeton.EDU
Fri Sep 28 09:32:10 AEST 1990

In article <2874 at idunno.Princeton.EDU> pfalstad at phoenix.Princeton.EDU (Paul John Falstad) writes:
>In article <2863 at litchi.bbn.com> rsalz at bbn.com (Rich Salz) writes:
>>This only works in C-shell derivatives.  Type "goto <SomePassword>" and
>>then enough blank lines to clear the screen.
>>When you come back, type "<SomePassword>:" and RETURN.
>I hope someone tries that at my site so I can type control-D and then
>poke around in his account until he comes back to his terminal.
>>As an interesting exercise, type the following lines
>>	foo:
>>	csh
>>	exit
>>	goto foo
>Interesting.  You can break out of it with kill -STOP $$.

Or a simple control - D followed by a control - C...


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subbarao@{phoenix or gauguin}.Princeton.EDU -|Internet
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