Floppy time-out with Merge386

Joseph Nordman joe at grce.UUCP
Thu Nov 1 05:29:19 AEST 1990

Anyone seen this before?

Running Merge386 under Unix, I get a device time-out when trying
to access the floppy from the DOS environment.  The error message is
the standard DOS message:

	Not ready error writing drive A
	Abort, Retry, Ignore?

This can happen on file copies, or on directory listings.  Typing 'r'
to force a retry always resolves the error, but I may get a number of
these time-outs if the transfer is large.

Using the floppy under Unix or MS-DOS works fine, so the hardware
seems OK.  

I am running Merge386 v1.3 under Intel UNIX System V/386 Release 3.2
(Bell Technologies).  My hardware is a 25MHz 486 prototype motherboard
based on the Opti 486/AT chip set.  My Floppy adapter is an Everex
2F,2H standard AT board.  I have tried changing AT bus parameters,
including increasing and decreasing the bus speed (6.3MHz and 12.5MHz),
but the symptoms remain the same.

Any ideas?


Joe Nordman, Chief Engineer                  Phone: 414-644-8700 
GENROCO, Inc.                                Fax:   414-644-6667
205 Kettle Moraine Drive North               Telex: 158279420
Slinger, WI 53086   U.S.A.              

USENET email: {ames, rutgers, harvard}!uwvax!astroatc!nicmad!grce!joe

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