SOLUTION: ethernet address or other unique ID for DEC-station and SUN
Emmerik P.J.L. van
emmerik at utrcu1.UUCP
Thu Dec 20 23:35:02 AEST 1990
Using the information submitted to me on my request for information,
i have written the following two functions:
C// Created : 900301/PVE
C// Modified :
C// Language : Fortran-77 C
C Reference : SUN/UNIX specific CE-routine
C Function : Get the unique hardware ID of a
C SUN a computer.
C Parameters:
C Type I/O Name Description
C ---- --- ---------- -----------
C C O ETHADDR Hexadecimal number representing the
C host ID, no punctuation chars.
C Length of ETHADDR must be at least 13 chars
C 12 for ethernet address + 1 for terminator.
C I O ILEN The length of the string in ETHADDR,
C not including the terminator.
C = 0 : Error
C =12 : Successful completion.
#include <stdio.h>
void ceget_nodeid( ethaddr, ilen )
char ethaddr[];
int *ilen;
long hostid;
*ilen = 0;
hostid = gethostid();
if( hostid <= 0 ) {
printf( stderr, "unique computer identification not found\n");
goto lab_error;
sprintf( ethaddr, "%8.8x\n",hostid );
*ilen = 8;
/*-DECstation-ULTRIX solution----------------------------------------*/
C// Created : 901219/PVE
C// Modified :
C// Language : Fortran-77 C
C Reference : ULTRIX specific CE-routine
C Function : Get the unique hardware ethernet address of
C a computer.
C Parameters:
C Type I/O Name Description
C ---- --- ---------- -----------
C C O ETHADDR Hexadecimal number representing the
C ethernet address, no punctuation chars.
C Length of ETHADDR must be at least 13 chars
C 12 for ethernet address + 1 for terminator.
C I O ILEN The length of the string in ETHADDR,
C not including the terminator.
C = 0 : Error
C =12 : Successful completion.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <net/if.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
void ceget_nodeid( ethaddr, ilen )
char ethaddr[];
int *ilen;
struct ifdevea addr;
struct ifconf device;
struct ifreq ifreq_list[2];
int s, num_dev;
*ilen = 0;
cs We have to provide to ioctl for the SIOCGIFCONF funtion
cs a list it can fill in.
device.ifc_len = sizeof( ifreq_list ); /* provided size of ifc_buf */
device.ifc_req = ifreq_list; /* list to hold the device ifo */
cs Create an internet socket
if ((s=socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP ))<0)
goto lab_error;
cs Get the available Ethernet devices.
if ( ioctl(s, SIOCGIFCONF, &device) < 0 )
goto lab_error;
num_dev = device.ifc_len / sizeof( struct ifreq );
if ( num_dev < 1 )
goto lab_error;
cs Get the physical addrs, i.e. the ethernet address.
strcpy(addr.ifr_name, device.ifc_ifcu.ifcu_req[0].ifr_name );
if (ioctl(s, SIOCRPHYSADDR, &addr)<0){
goto lab_error;
cs Use the default physical address as nodeid (addr.default_pa).
cs Or maybe we should use the current physical address (addr.current_pa).
sprintf( ethaddr, "%2.2x%2.2x%2.2x%2.2x%2.2x%2.2x",
(unsigned char)addr.default_pa[0],
(unsigned char)addr.default_pa[1],
(unsigned char)addr.default_pa[2],
(unsigned char)addr.default_pa[3],
(unsigned char)addr.default_pa[4],
(unsigned char)addr.default_pa[5] );
*ilen = 12;
cs Close the socket.
close( s );
If you have any remarks, pleace reply by E-mail !
Pieter van Emmerik | Phone: +31-74-483059
Hollandse Signaalapparaten b.v. | FAX: +31-74-425936 42 | E-mail: emmerik at
7550 GD Hengelo, The Netherlands | hp4nl!utrcu1!emmerik
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